Thursday, May 15, 2014

THM Part 2 - How We Eat

So what do we eat on a typical day?  Well, I have a 1 and 3 year old, so you can bet it's not too complicated. Breakfast and lunch are very simple because I'm preparing food AND entertaining babies. I really only cook for dinner on a daily basis. But I am very organized. I prepare my grocery list in multiple steps. I look at my calendar and decide how much time I'll have to prepare dinner each night. Do I need a crock pot meal, a standard meal, or a quick meal? And I write out my dinner meals for the next week. I also have a few THM items that I make periodically (nap time or weekend) and have available in the fridge or freezer when needed.

Breakfast (7-8 am)
Eggs and Sausage (Brown n Serve) (S)
Eggs with Cheese (aka Scramble or Omelett) (S)
Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal (E)
THM Baked Muffins - Blueberry and Lemon Poppyseed (S) Baked in Advance and in the Freezer. - See Picture. (Recipe to Come)
THM Pumpkin Pancakes with SF Syrup on Occasional Saturdays (E

Lunch (11-11:30 am)
Cheese and Turkey with Raw Veggies and Dip (S)
(S) Salad with a Boiled Egg
Chicken Tenders and an Apple (E)
Celery and Peanut Butter (S)
A Protein Bar (low carb, low sugar only) (FP)
Hummus and Pita Chips (E)
Guacamole and Tortilla Chips (Crossover)
Strawberries or Blueberries with SF Whip Cream
Kids frequently get Yogurt, Bananas, Canteloupe, Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches, etc.
And Always Leftovers from Dinner!

Snack (3-3:30 pm)
Usually something from the above list that we haven't eaten that day.  I found these Protein Bars at Publix.  They are Whey Protein with low sugar.  I've been pleased with them.  And even Audrey (my picky, carb-loving girl) eats them now.

Then my relief FINALLY comes home from work and I have some time to cook. Cooking was never relaxing or fun to me... Until I had children and it became my "break." Now, I turn on music and enjoy my time alone in the kitchen.  IF I have to cook dinner AND watch the kiddos (like tonight), this is what happens.
Audrey helps watch Erin

And makes sure she doesn't climb up the steps

Or get into anything

She also leaves food out for the animals

Nothing is safe.  Nothing is out of reach.

Moving on! Dinner is where most of my cheats/tweaks show up. I found that the easiest way for me to cook was to use my normal foods/recipes and try to adjust them to fit the THM lifestyle. Most recipes could be stripped of either fats or carbs and meet the requirements. But there have been a few recipes that I've had to drop completely because they just don't work for THM (Ex. Lasagna or Meatloaf).

Dinner (5-6 pm)
Chicken Salad (Made without Grapes) Served in Pita Pocket (S)
Beef Enchiladas without Cheese (E)
Baked Fish with Homemade Tarter Sauce, Asparagus, and Broccoli (S)
Chicken Stacks with Black Beans, Corn, and Tortilla Chips (E)
Lasagna Soup (E)
Sante Fe Soup and Tortilla Chips (E)
Vegetable Beef Soup (No Potatoes) with Cornbread (E)
Grilled Chicken with Corn on the Cob and Lima Beans (E)
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and Broccoli (Whole Wheat Pasta) (E)
Tacos with Black Beans, Lettuce, and Salsa (E)
Chili (E)
Pad Thai (no Peanuts) (E)
Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Casserole (No Rice) (S)

See, most of those are normal foods with a slight adjustment.  I have tried a few recipes from the book.  But they are usually more complex, require special ingredients, and I don't have a lot of free time (or mental capacity) these days.  I'm also feeding these meals to children, so we keep it simple.  I am always aware of portion control, but I never count calories anymore.  I know my body and what it needs.  So I eat to be satisfied, not stuffed.  And I never go hungry.

Snack (8:30-9 pm)
Protein Packed Peanut Butter Cup (S) (Recipe to Come)
Peppermint Skinny Chocolate or Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge (S) (Recipe to Come)
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins (E/ Crossover) (Recipe to Come)
Dry Cereal (E... Shhh, Don't Tell)

(My "Fruit Drawer" has become my THM Chocolate Drawer.  Each one a healthy (S) treat.)

Next Topic: The Recipes I MUST Keep on Hand and the Specialty Items I Purchase.

P.S. I'm still working with my IT guy on the most efficient way to share my recipes with everyone (I was only expecting 5-10 people to jump on board).  Since all my current recipes have pencil marks and adjustments written all over them, I may be re-typing everything.  Be patient please :)

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