Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Girl Deserves a Treat!

I have been wanting a Divinita Sole Swimsuit for 3 years!  You know, ever since I had a baby and realized I should NEVER put a bikini back on.  But they are way more than I would pay for a swimsuit.  I'm a Target kinda girl.  AND, the idea of ordering a swimsuit is SCARY.  I mean, who doesn't try on 17 swimsuits and pick out the MOST flattering one to take home?

But these suits are made by a Christian Company!  Designed to be modest AND attractive.  Imagine that!  The company is located in Utah.  So I guess I'll pay the shipping.
DiViine ModesTee    "Designing Fashion to a Higher Standard"
I just LOVE that idea!  Their clothes are cute too.  But let's get back to their swimsuit line Divinita Sole

 I stepped on the scale tonight (which is NEVER official you know... only the morning weight counts - after you've used the potty and you're still in undies) but I was amazed.  I'm only 2.5 lbs away from my wedding weight!  People, I am 9 lbs UNDER my pre-pregnancy weight.  Seriously, I didn't even think this was possible.  I never made this a goal or considered it feasible.  So I cheered when I got to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I celebrated myself when I lost an extra 5 lbs, which was my ultimate goal for 2014 (achieved in 5 months).  But I had nothing left.  No surprises, no rewards, NOTHING PREPARED FOR WEDDING WEIGHT.  And then I remembered, "It's June, I'm gonna need a swimsuit."  And behold the swimsuit of all swimsuits became my reward.  This is serious.  This is 3 years in the making.  And I am pumped!  8 Years, 2 Babies, and Back to Wedding Weight.  Oh it's gonna happen!

Check these suits out!  I realize these are still models (which I am not), but you have to admit these suits look fabulous.  What mom doesn't want to feel modest but attractive?  These seem like the perfect balance to me.  I just LOVE them.  Here are some of my favorites.  And this Summer, I'm gonna rock one of these cause now I'm a Trim Healthy Mama!!!

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