On Tuesday, 10/13/15, I wrote this note in my Prayer Journal. (See Need for Love #1)
"Help Jake and I to be patient & kind to one another, even when we're tired & frustrated."
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1
We have a 2 & 4 year old. We are tired... a lot. And when your body is tired, your attitude is 'vulnerable.' That's my sweet way of saying short-tempered. So it takes a God-size love to be kind & patient consistently.
The next day, I heard this song. It's on my iPod. I've heard it before. But have I ever listened to the words? How did I miss these lyrics? (Insert Love Tip #2)
"Try" by Amber Sky Records
You mean more to me, than winning the fight.
I'm letting it go, yeah I don't have to be right.
I wanna build you up, and so I'm giving in.
Because it's not about whether or not I win.
'Cause you mean more to me than that.
Then I went to Community Group last night where we're studying "Christian" by Andy Stanley. And once again he emphasized how love is the most vital commandment of all. That showing love is the greatest witness we could give. We discussed how truth should always be wrapped in Love. Truth without love is just judgement. And we are not called to judge the world. We are called to love them. Who would ever be drawn to a church that judges instead of loves first? (Love Emphasis #3)
And Finally, Bible Study Fellowship. We are studying the Book of
Revelation. I Did NOT expect the Love pattern to continue. But Chapters 2 and 3 in Revelation include Letters to 7 different
churches. This week we are analyzing the letter to Ephesus and these
were some of the notes I read this morning.
Love is needed to fill my prayer request. Love is necessary to value a person over winning a fight. Love is the greatest witness to Jesus Christ that we can offer the world. And by THIS, by LOVE, everyone will know that you are my disciple. Not by your knowledge of the Bible. Not by your intelligent debate. The Truth is worthless if it is not wrapped and presented in LOVE.