Thursday, October 15, 2015


God is sneaky.  Technically, the Bible doesn't use that description for Him.  But in the "New Casey Standard Version" it clearly states that God is sneaky.  I've gotten the same "message" from 4 sources in 1 week.  That doesn't happen by chance.  God is sneaky.

On Tuesday, 10/13/15, I wrote this note in my Prayer Journal. (See Need for Love #1)
"Help Jake and I to be patient & kind to one another, even when we're tired & frustrated."
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1

We have a 2 & 4 year old.  We are tired... a lot.  And when your body is tired, your attitude is 'vulnerable.'  That's my sweet way of saying short-tempered.  So it takes a God-size love to be kind & patient consistently.

The next day, I heard this song.  It's on my iPod.  I've heard it before.  But have I ever listened to the words?  How did I miss these lyrics? (Insert Love Tip #2)

"Try" by Amber Sky Records
You mean more to me, than winning the fight.
I'm letting it go, yeah I don't have to be right.

I wanna build you up, and so I'm giving in.
Because it's not about whether or not I win.
'Cause you mean more to me than that.

Then I went to  Community Group last night where we're studying "Christian" by Andy Stanley.  And once again he emphasized how love is the most vital commandment of all.  That showing love is the greatest witness we could give.  We discussed how truth should always be wrapped in Love.  Truth without love is just judgement.  And we are not called to judge the world.  We are called to love them.  Who would ever be drawn to a church that judges instead of loves first?  (Love Emphasis #3)

And Finally, Bible Study Fellowship.  We are studying the Book of Revelation.  I Did NOT expect the Love pattern to continue.  But Chapters 2 and 3 in Revelation include Letters to 7 different churches.  This week we are analyzing the letter to Ephesus and these were some of the notes I read this morning.

"One serious problem afflicted the church of Ephesus.  They had forsaken their first love.  When an expert in the Mosaic Law once asked Jesus which was the greatest command, the Lord replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."  The night before the cross, Jesus told His disciples, "A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.".... This kind of love for others flows only out of a deep love for God....the Lord Jesus saw that while they continued to pursue truth, love for God was no longer their driving motive.  To fight for biblical truth without a love for God and others is to miss the truth.  Love should characterize EVERY church and EVERY believer." (Truth AND Love Point #4)

Love is needed to fill my prayer request.  Love is necessary to value a person over winning a fight.  Love is the greatest witness to Jesus Christ that we can offer the world.  And by THIS, by LOVE, everyone will know that you are my disciple.  Not by your knowledge of the Bible.  Not by your intelligent debate.  The Truth is worthless if it is not wrapped and presented in LOVE.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Parenting Revelation

It hit me today like a crashing wave that I didn't see coming.  Like I'd been blind for weeks and I finally saw clearly.  My children's behavior in the last few weeks has nothing to do with my parenting; not my awesomeness and not my failings.  I don't need to wake up earlier, stay up later, or work harder.  I don't need to add more activities, more educational tools, more attitude adjusting tactics, or more emotional investment.  Seriously guys, I'm all in.  How do you get MORE IN?

But then I saw the words... on a preschool handout for Bible Study Fellowship...

In September, I joined the band within our Millennial Ministry called Incurrent.  My husband and I also started leading a Community Group for Incurrent and we've now added members of all ages.  Have you ever heard that when you step up in leadership, you paint a target on your back?  Satan doesn't have to fight the complacent church member sitting on the pew, he fights those who have stepped up to battle.  He aims for those who have stepped into the light.  He shoots for the leaders to take down the multitudes.

In addition to that, my girls and I have joined Bible Study Fellowship for the first time and we're studying the Book of Revelation.  This isn't a study about history.  It's a Book like none other because it has yet to be fulfilled.  It is literally the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

 "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near" Revelation 1:3

And it's NOT just the adults studying this topic, it's the preschoolers too. Yes, teaching 2-5 year olds about the truth of Jesus Christ and His eminent return.  It's powerful.  And it's investing in the kingdom for the next generation.  I'm not satisfied sitting on the sidelines, I'm raising up an army.  I've got 2 arrows in my quiver and I am aiming well.

I am leading worship with a generation of people who are tired of mediocrity, desperate for some authentic Christians to rise up.  People who don't want to punch an attendance card but come boldly in and worship a God who is completely Holy.  People who take off the church mask and lay themselves at the feet of Christ.  That is my purpose.  That is the fuel in my fire; to burn brightly for His Name.  To worship wholly and fully.  To be a vessel that is completely available to God and all He has laid out for me.

So yes, Satan has reason to target me.  I'm not hiding.  I'm not afraid.  I am bold and determined.  And WHERE is the best place to hit a SAHM... at home, with her children.  But now I see it.  Now it's obvious.  I don't feel like I'm flailing in the ocean anymore.  I don't wonder what I'm doing wrong and why I'm failing.  I will press on when the days are long and hard.  I will love my children in the midst of tantrums.  I will teach them the Word of God because it is our weapon in this spiritual war.  I will pray over them and for them.  And Satan, you better watch out, cause you just poked the Mama Bear.